World languages, tutoring, translations

The Learning Co-op is a group of experienced educators offering a variety of online services, from language tutoring to editing and translations. At The Learning Co-op, we believe that learning is a cooperative venture involving teachers and students. We strive to create a personal relationship with our students that will allow us to understand how to best meet their needs, adapt to their learning styles, and help meet challenges. View more
Language classes
We are once again in the process of forming group classes. We offer ESL, French, German, Italian, Mandarin, and Spanish classes. ESL, Italian, and Mandarin will be taught using the TPRS method. TPRS stands for Teaching Proficiency Through Reading and Storytelling. This method is based on solid research about second-language acquisition. It is guaranteed to get you or your child to speak a second language in no time. If you are not familiar with it, please read this article. You can also watch how this student is able to tell a story in Mandarin after just three 45-minute classes. To inquire about prices or to enroll, contact us through the contact form above or send us a message at
What Is TPRS? A Look at the Language Acquisition Strategy That’s Growing in Popularity
Teaching Critical Thinking Skills in the ESL Classroom
8 Benefits of Professional Development in ELT